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Longoni Versailles 7,5ft (Table Top)

9993.60€ 9793.73€

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MPN: 15303
EAN: 8026620015530
Brand: Longoni
Availability: Pre order - Contact us
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Clear and timeless elegant table, Luigi XVI style. Entirely solid wood handmade table with 4 turned adjustable legs. 3 Pieces slate allows the installation even in that rooms which are not easily reachable. A two pieces veneered table top in the same color as the aprons is supplied with the billiard. The balls, in the pool version, fall into cotton net pockets, hidden when the billiard becomes table. Available in the pool or carom version, only 7,5’.

A full set of high quality accessories & cloth included in price as a free gift.


Size: 7,5ft

External Size: 239x134cm

Play-field Size: 210x105cm

Play-field Height: 75⇔77cm

Total Weight: ≈324Kg

Slates: 3 pieces

Slate Thickness: 22mm

Slate Weight: ≈140kg

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