Wizard Mighty Grip     Achro Cues

Email: info@achro.gr
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 16:00
Tel: +30 2299990920

Achro est.1986

Price: 20.26€
Discount: 5.00%
Total price: 19.25€

Mighty Grip Powder
Simon Whitlock, the game's most prestigious finisher has revealed part of his finishing secret - he uses Wizard Mighty Grip. Wizard Mighty Grip powder is a thermoplastic material that bonds to your hands or fingers creating the best possible grip in the world that lasts for hours. Simon said, "I've been asked loads of times why I blow on my hands and people don't believe me when I tell them. Well, now you know why. The Grip Powder is really long lasting I use a bottle every 6 months, as you don't need to apply much at all which gives me the edge I need for my best performances, and I can't be without it. Try some and you'll be amazed". Grip control, reduced fatigue and slips, and improved consistency. Will not transfer to clothing, equipment or other surfaces. Exact control which has helped Simon stay on top of his game as on of the World's best ever finishers.