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J.Rempe Pool Training Ball 57,2mm

62.66€ 57.02€
MPN: 2264
EAN: 8026620137072
Brand: Saluc
Availability: 4 to 10 days
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Jim Rempe special training pool ball


2-sided 2"1/4 training cue ball + 56-page instructions booklet in English, French and Spanish. For beginners and advanced players. Because only practice will make play better. Concept and design by Jim Rempe

Has a beginner AND advanced player side to assist you in your progress.


The two unique ball patterns will help you:

see where to hit the cue ball for spin (English)
develop a better stroke by teaching a more accurate delivery of your cue stick to the cue ball
optimize the rebound angle on ball and cushion for a better position on the next shot


The kit includes:
A Belgian Aramith cue ball with 2 different embedded patterns under the surface of the ball to make them wear-resistant
The Jimmy Rempe special pool training manual. With 13 detailed drawings, each showing multiple variations, this 56-page pocket-size manual will show you clearly how you can use the patterns to fully control the cue ball

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