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NovaRossi by Molinari

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Phoenix Red Phoenix Red In Stock
Phoenix Red
229.00€ 224.42€

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Joint: Radial® Joint
Grip: 3D grip with shadow of the Phoenix
Design: Hard Canadian maple painted with metallic color
Varnish: Shiny
Cue Length: 143cm (74cm Butt + 69,5cm Shaft)
Shaft: Novarossi Cored Construction shaft
Taper: Eiffel
Ferrule: Low density ferrule powered by Uni-Loc®
Tip: Everest® by Tiger® Products
Tip Diam.: 11,8mm
Weight: ±510gr

Phoenix Blue Phoenix Blue In Stock
Phoenix Blue
229.00€ 224.42€

Free Shipping

Joint: Radial® Joint
Grip: 3D grip with shadow of the Phoenix
Design: Hard Canadian maple painted with metallic color
Varnish: Shiny
Cue Length: 143cm (74cm Butt + 69,5cm Shaft)
Shaft: Novarossi Cored Construction shaft
Taper: Eiffel
Ferrule: Low density ferrule powered by Uni-Loc®
Tip: Everest® by Tiger® Products
Tip Diam.: 11,8mm
Weight: ±510gr

Phoenix Gray Phoenix Gray Pre-Order
Phoenix Gray
229.00€ 224.42€

Free Shipping

Joint: Radial® Joint
Grip: 3D grip with shadow of the Phoenix
Design: Hard Canadian maple painted with metallic color
Varnish: Shiny
Cue Length: 143cm (74cm Butt + 69,5cm Shaft)
Shaft: Novarossi Cored Construction shaft
Taper: Eiffel
Ferrule: Low density ferrule powered by Uni-Loc®
Tip: Everest® by Tiger® Products
Tip Diam.: 11,8mm
Weight: ±510gr

Phoenix White Phoenix White Pre-Order
Phoenix White
229.00€ 224.42€

Free Shipping

Joint: Radial® Joint
Grip: 3D grip with shadow of the Phoenix
Design: Hard Canadian maple painted with metallic color
Varnish: Shiny
Cue Length: 143cm (74cm Butt + 69,5cm Shaft)
Shaft: Novarossi Cored Construction shaft
Taper: Eiffel
Ferrule: Low density ferrule powered by Uni-Loc®
Tip: Everest® by Tiger® Products
Tip Diam.: 11,8mm
Weight: ±510gr

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