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Snooker Set Of Balls Tournament Champion 1G 52,4mm - 22 Balls With Cue Case Pre-Order
Snooker Set Of Balls Tournament Champion 1G 52,4mm - 22 Balls With Cue Case
492.26€ 447.96€

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Aramith Tournament Champion SuperPro1G snooker ball set

Aramith supplies specific snooker ball sets to the World Snooker professional players Association (W.S.A.) for more than 40 years.

These sets are quite special: while their packaging and design make them look pretty like the regular Aramith Tournament Champion snooker sets, they are in fact drastically different and allow the W.S.A. professional players to reach the highest scores during the W.S.A. competitions.


The main characteristic of this set is the maximum weight tolerance allowed : while the maximum weight difference between balls in a regular Aramith Tournament Champion snooker set (or a Super Crystalate snooker set) is 3 grams (official specifications), the maximum weight tolerance of our special W.S.A. set is only 1 gram.


Snooker balls - Diameter of 52.5mm - 2"1/16

Balls Set Snooker Tournament 52,4mm Pre-Order
Balls Set Snooker Tournament 52,4mm
370.10€ 336.79€

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Aramith Tournament Champion snooker ball set
Snooker balls - Diameter of 52.4mm

Balls Set Aramith Snooker 52,4mm - Std Pre-Order
Balls Set Aramith Snooker 52,4mm - Std
183.94€ 167.39€

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Aramith American snooker ball set
Snooker balls 52,4mm

Balls Set Aramith Snooker 57,2mm - Std 4-10 days
Balls Set Aramith Snooker 57,2mm - Std
193.26€ 175.87€

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Aramith American snooker ball set
Snooker balls 57,2mm

Balls Set Snooker Aramith 48 - 17 Balls - Pre-Order
Balls Set Snooker Aramith 48 - 17 Balls -
70.28€ 63.95€

Snooker 17 Balls 48mm Set

Balls Set Snooker Aramith 41,3 4-10 days
Balls Set Snooker Aramith 41,3
53.72€ 48.89€

Snooker 17 Balls 41,3mm Set

Snooker 17 Balls 38mm Set 4-10 days
Snooker 17 Balls 38mm Set
41.95€ 38.17€

Snooker 17 Balls 38mm Set


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